The Euro Asian Worldwide was established in April 2001, which became known as ACT “Artists Communicating Tact” back in 2010,tThe association’s name changed to Euro Asian Art and Culture Organization; then expanded in 20 different countries founding the Euro Asian Family Worldwide (EAWW).
Euro Asian Worldwide Mission and Goals
To promote artists from different ethnic and the cultural heritage of their country;
To establish cultural relations between different nations;
To nurture new and emerging artistic talents; and
To provide cultural exchange between member countries
Euro Asian Worldwide’s motto is ” ART FOR PEACE FOR A BETTER WORLD.”
For the reason that despite the fact that we have different nationalities, we came from diverse cultural background and mentality as well as varied religion: WE UNITE AS ONE to promote goodwill, peace, humanity, love and compassion through art. We are establishing cultural relationship between member countries.
We are blessed to have a Great TEAM with fantastic LEADERS we practice:
1. Love
2. Courage
3. Patience
4. Peacefulness
5. Magnanimity
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Selflessness
10. Self-Control
11. Self Sacrifice
12. Truthfulness
13. Righteousness
14. Justice
15. Mercy
16. Gracefulness
17. Humility
18. Empathy
19. Sympathy
20.Spiritual Knowledge
21. Moral Values
22. Spiritual Wisdom
About Us